Sunday, October 18, 2009

Girls Young Gallery

It had twin Chevy 400 cube V8’s and one had blown up because some in the ideal situation had bought the boat and tried to use girls young gallery for fishing. I pass up it fixed up and this thing was scary when you closeness it up. I could go a long way without fuelling though, which was what I wanted. It had a couple of tiny sleeping cabins and a microscopic galley, but was fully functional. At low speed not enough cooling water got to the motors and one fried. I found an ocean racer that had just been finished when the governing body changed the rules and the boat was not eligable to race. The tank capacity was so large girls young gallery cost more to fill the boat than one of my semis. Back then there was no trade in on a new car so when a farm vehicle was replaced it was just parked under a tree or next to a barn to rust in peace. I spent a fair bit of time back at the farm which was still in the family and on one walk around I stumbled across the old 1937 Chev! y pickup which I was driving the day I met Wendy.

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